
What is Budiz?

networkdiagpeopleinneed5Real Friends, Special Interests & Hobbies!

Budiz (pronounced ‘buddies’) was launched in 2007 and lets you join hobby and special interest channels, meet new friends and socialize with people who are interested in the things you like! Watch interest based videos, ask questions and add your own news, answers and comments. At budiz – it’s quality – not quantity of friends that matters:)

Safety & Security
Budiz is unlike any other site when it comes to privacy. We NEVER sell your ID, search data or collect data on you externally*. Budiz is family safe – if you see something questionable – let us know and we’ll act!

A Social Network with a Social ConscienceTM
Budiz puts people before profit. That means – we don’t allow anything and everything in the name of ‘free speech’ (although allowing anything would actually be a simple way to triple profits by having more content). We share our profits with people who can’t help themselves.


needy-world-1Our Vision: Does the World need Another Social Network?

Yes! 80% of the world’s wealth is owned by 2% of the population. The top social networking sites, search engines and Internet media giants pocket huge profits – some up to $1,000,000,000 per year raking in cash by allowing advertising on questionable content on their services. Budiz is different… we share our profits with you, and causes YOU nominate!

Social Responsibility
Budiz vision is not only to help people in need, but also to provide a safe, junk-free social networking site that promotes services and organizations you can trust. But we need your help!

60 Friend Limit
What?!! Yes that’s right – budiz is about real relationships and science tells us we can only have meaningful relationships with a maximum of 60 people at one time!

Privacy & Security: budiz is a drone-free zone!

A New Idea for Social Networking
Other sites record and/or sell your search data (from external sources also) and don’t erase it when you leave. When you leave Budiz – we erase ALL your information from the site!

Protecting Your Info
At Budiz we care more about your information than profits! We take fraud and privacy seriously unlike the majority of social networking sites, where more members = more ad revenue = more bucks.

Together we CAN change the world!